Staff Service Awards

March 18, 2021
Alexandra District Health Staff Service Awards Ceremony – Wednesday 17th March 2021

On Wednesday staff enjoyed a beautiful morning tea in the garden for the presentation of staff service awards.

Service award presentations are usually held in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting, around November each year. With the delay of our Annual General Meeting and the impact of COVID-19 restrictions throughout 2020, a separate ceremony was held.

It was a fantastic opportunity to recognise the dedication of Alexandra District Health staff and the work they do, especially during the challenges faced over the past 12 months.

CEO Debbie Rogers was joined by Kim Flanagan, Board Deputy Chair, and Steven Hogan, Board Director to present the 2020 service awards to staff, as well as a handful of awards from the previous year for staff who were unable to attend the 2019 Annual General Meeting.

Congratulations and thank you!

Service Awards Presented for 2020:

10 years 

Anne-Marie Ellis

Karen Bates

Lynette Bennetts

Natasha Bowater (absent)

20 years 

Heidi Hunter

Angela Warren-Smith

Kerry Wall

Sally Musgrove (absent)

Service Awards Presented for 2019:

10 years 

Michelle Weeks

15 years 

Jeanie Hurrey

Heather Shaw

Chris Wasley

Simone Russell (absent)

20 Years

Donna Leng (absent)
