Freedom of Information
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Freedom of Information
What is Freedom of Information?
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) gives you a right to apply for access to documents held by Ministers, State Government Departments, Local Authorities and Statutory Authorities. This right is not affected by any reasons you have for wishing to obtain access or our belief as to what those reasons are.
Requesting Information on Behalf of Another Person
If you are requesting information on behalf on another person, you will need to provide written authorisation from that person to give you permission to access their information.
If you are applying for information of a deceased person, you must provide identification which clearly shows that you are the closest relative to that person e.g. birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate, in addition to providing personal identification. If you are not the closest relative, you must provide written authorisation from the closest relative permitting you to access the information.
Each FOI request is considered in accordance with the FOI Act and as such, some requested documents may be exempted or refused.
Some documents including protection of essential public interest and the personal or commercial or business affairs of others may not be released. Access may only be provided to part of a document if it contains information considered to be exempt.
Notice of Decision
You will be given written reasons if you are only given partial access to documents or refused access. You will be advised of your rights of review of the decision that has been made on your application.
A fee is payable for written requests and should be paid at the time of lodgement. Fees are updated as applicable and are outlined on the Alexandra District Health ‘Freedom of Information Request Form’. Alexandra District Health exercises its’ right to charge a fee for FOI requests as per the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner.
Alexandra District Health may charge other fees and these are levied in accordance with the FOI Act. Such fees may be for the time required to search for documents, photocopying of paper records and postage.
How to Apply to Amend Your Personal Information
Should you believe that your personal information held by Alexandra District Hospital is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date or misleading, you may apply to have that information amended.
You may also apply to have a notation written by you to be placed on your record.
Your request must be in writing, and you must give as much information as you can to show how or why the records need to be amended.
You will be given written reasons if your amendment is refused. You will be advised of your rights of review of the decision that has been made on your application.
Lodging a request to access a medical record
You may apply for access to documents held within Alexandra District Hospital in writing. This can be done by either completing the online form below, or downloading the Freedom of Information Request Form and submitting this form by email to ADHFreedomofInfo@adh.org.au, by mail or in person at Alexandra District Health.
Identification must be provided with all applications and include a clear photograph and signature (i.e. drivers licence or passport).
Freedom of Information Request Form
Useful websites
Please note
The Freedom of Information Act does not apply to requests received from outside Australia, unless the recipient lives within Australia.