Alexandra District Health holds its Annual General Meeting

Alexandra District Health holds its 149th Annual General Meeting
Alexandra District Health was proud to hold its 149th Annual General Meeting on Thursday 25th February at 5pm. The timeframe for holding the AGM, usually held in November each year, was extended to the end of February 2021. The hope was that we would be able to welcome people in person and hold a face-to-face AGM. Unfortunately, this was not to be. We will endeavour to schedule another event with the planned guest speaker, Professor Paul Van Buynder later in the year. Staff service awards will be presented at a special morning tea on March 17th.
Lorna Gelbert, Board Chair, presented the Board Chair and Chief Executive Officer report for the 2019/2020 year, highlighting the excellent work, commitment and achievements of Alexandra District Health and its people over the last twelve months. The second half of the year was significantly interrupted by the COVID-19 global pandemic. However, despite this the Health Service continued to provide safe, person focused care. Lorna acknowledged the dedication of the ADH staff throughout a challenging year, with special mention to Debbie Rogers, CEO, offering Debbie sincere thanks for the hard work and support she has provided throughout the coronavirus pandemic.
Kim Flanagan, Deputy Chair and Chair of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee for 19/20 financial year presented the financial report. The level of activity across all areas of the Health Service has been affected by the Coronavirus pandemic, but despite this, the overall financial result for the year was a small operating surplus.
As the year continues, we are looking forward to resuming community events and re-starting the ‘Morning Tea with the Board’ as restrictions at the Health Service continue to ease.
The 2019-20 Annual Report is available to view here.
Pictured: Lorna Gelbert, Board Chair (right) and Kim Flanagan, Deputy Chair (left)