Primary Health
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At Alexandra District Health our Primary Health team provide a range of services and programs that can be tailored to your needs.
Our Primary Health (or Community Health) services include physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietetics, speech therapy, community nursing, diabetes education, counselling and social work. Allied Health Assistants also support these programs and services. Our primary health services are provided at our Alexandra site, however some services are provided at our campus in Marysville or as home visits.
Our community are supported to manage their chronic health conditions via a variety of programs and services including our diabetes educator, dietitian, pulmonary rehabilitation program, cardiac rehabilitation program, counsellors and continence nurse.
Health promotion activities aim to prevent the community from becoming unwell in the first place, and currently target the areas of healthy eating, active living and reducing harm from tobacco and e-cigarette use. Grow Well Dindi is a big part of this effort (click on the link below for more information).
Our Services Include:
- Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Childbirth and Parenting Education
- Continence Management
- Diabetes
- Gymnasium Based Programs
- Stall the Fall
- Gla(D)
- Strength Training
- Gentle Exercises
- Health Promotion
- Grow Well Dindi
- Nutrition /Dietetics
- Occupational Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Psychology/Counselling
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation
- Social Work
- Speech Pathology
- Wound Management
Click here for more Information for services referring to ADH